A Taste of our Repertoir

A Taste of our Repertoir

The Dúdoló Népzenei Műhely performs both independently and with an orchestra.
Our repertoire includes authentic Hungarian folk music, encompassing the Carpathian Basin, from the Highlands through Transylvania to the Southern Region, song bouquets and compilations.

- Magyarbődi karikázó
- Zoborvidéki lakodalmas
- Vitnyédi bölcsőcske
- Mezőföldi, nyírbökönyi, moldvai , szilágysági, bakonyi dallamok...

... and countless other pure sources from which we draw....

8200 Veszprém, Brusznyai u. 2. • (+36) 88 889 180 • info@vvve.hu